Where was I...

I have been absent from here for quite some time, and the main reason was that after 6 years of writing my blog- I felt I didn't want to anymore.
6 years of creating content, reviewing so many beauty products, being active on Facebook and Instagram- have finally led me to the question: Why bother? 
In today's virtual beauty world that is controlled by YouTubers, where everything is about sponsorship's, ads and numbers, I felt out of place. I always said that this is my hobby and I will continue writing my blog only as long as it's fun, and it wasn't fun anymore. So I stopped.

However, not blogging for the past 8 months was hard for me because I´ve continued to buy and use great new makeup, and not documenting, filming, telling you about it and share my experience, definitely felt strange.
I do believe that there is still room for blogs on the internet, since watching a YouTube video demands making the time and the place for it, while reading a blogpost can be done anytime and anyplace, and I do miss writing.
That is why I will get back to writing in my blog, and you can expect more versatile content, not only about beauty but also about where I live and my traveling, and as I´ve recently entered my 40´s- my interests are changing and no doubt that will also be reflected here.

So to get (re)started, here are a bunch of photos that sums up my 2018,
I hope you´ll rejoin me for the ride, and let 2019 begin!

The Netherlands, March 2018

The Makeup Show NYC, May 2018

Friends building NYC, May 2018

Kerry Cole for Becca Cosmetics, Sephora Barcelona, September 2018

Mia, October 2018

Ground Zero NYC, October 2018

Charlotte Tilbury, finally in Sephora Spain! November 2018

And the makeup shopping continues!!! December 2018


  1. It's wonderful to see you back after your hiatus. Your reflections on the evolving beauty industry resonate deeply, especially the shift towards video content and the challenges it presents for traditional bloggers. Your decision to diversify your content to include travel and lifestyle insights is exciting and aligns well with the interests of readers who appreciate a holistic approach to beauty and life. The photos capturing your 2018 experiences are delightful and add a personal touch to your narrative. Looking forward to your upcoming posts and the fresh perspectives you'll bring!


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